We,at Hindalco IndustriesLimited (We, Us, Our, Hindalco, Company) and ouraffiliates take data privacy seriously and are committed to protecting it. It is, therefore, important that we brief you abouthow Hindalcocollects, processes,uses, anddisclosesinfonnationwhile runningitsbusiness.
1. Scope
(a) This Privacy Policy (Privacy Policy/ Policy) explains the details of our collection, usage, purpose, sharing, and disclosure of data,including your personal data, that is collected or used byus whileconducting Our business. This Policy covers onlydatacollected through the Site/s(our homepage, andrelated mobile applications, if any) anddoes not cover any other data collection or processing. without limitation, collection conducted offline, or through our products or services that do not link directly with this Policy, or by third-party sites that we may link to.
2. Collection of Personal Data
(a) Bywayof the foUowing table, weseek toinformyouof thedata we collect from youthrough the Site/s, along with the specific identified purpose for the collection of such data. We will onlyrequire you to provide such personal data that is necessary for us to provide you with our servicesat your request.
(b) This will enable you to review our data collection practices, and provide us with your infonned consent to the continuous collection, use and disclosure of your personal data, while offering our Site/ s toyou.
Data We Collect | Specified Purpose forCollection |
Data youprovide tous | |
Your name, organization, address, location, telephone, e-mail, fax number. | To process your queries, and for correspondence with you. |
Usemame, password for Customer Relations Management Portal or Supplier Relations Management Portal. | To create a profile, secure access, and facilitate conversation between youand the Company. |
Your sodal media profiles, where you connect with ussuch as Unkedln, facebook, YouTube, and lnstagram. | Personalization of service offerings and improvement of the Site/s. |
Data we collect about youfrom ourSite/s | |
Your activity on the Site/ s (pages you a«ess, view, URL time stamps). | To Identify you, remember your actions on the Site/ s. |
IPAddress, devicedetails, user location, device OS version andhardware. | Minimize your efforts to interact withus and provide seamless personalized experience on your device. |
DataCollected from Third Parties. As the Site/sallow you to interact with us,viasocialmedia plug-lns for Llnkedln, Facebook, YouTube, and, lnstagram, we will collect such necessary infonnation from these third parties, as may be required for your association with us on these platforms. Furthermore, you willbe bound by the terms of use and privacy policies of these thirdparties, and we urge you to review and familiarize yourself with the policies of thesewebsites, before continuousinteraction with them.
(c) Cookies. We also usecookies to enhance your experience, and customize it, for you. Cookies are used to support critical functionality as well as track usage Information that lets us improve our performance. For moreinformation on how we deploy cookies, pleaserefer to ourCookie Policy (insert hyper/ink].
3. LegalGrounds for Processing your Personal Information
(a) We process your personal data on the basis of your consent, which we mayseek from you. Alternatively, we may further process your pe onal data, without your prior consent, for certainlegitimate uses namely,and aspermitted in law:
- for thespecified purpose for which you have voluntarily providedyour datai
- fulfilling an obligation to State instrumentalities to disclose processing information about acertain user;
- compliance with any judgment, decree under any law for the time beingin force in India;
- protect your or another pe on's vital inte<ests, Involving a (I) threat to the life or Immediate threat to the health of the lndlvldual, (ii) medical treatment or health services to any individual during an epidemic, outbreak of disease, or anyother threat to publichealth; (iii)provide assistance duringa disaster.
4, Other Usecases
(a) In addition to the foregoing, wemayalso use your data,In the following manner:
- combine the types of data collected, to the extent permissible In law, and as consented by you. conduct market analysisand similar research to enable us to make business decisions;
- if you have provided us with your professional resume, we may process thesame for consideration of opportunities within the Company.
5. Sharing and Transfer of Data
(a) We will not share your personal data with third parties, e.cept (a) to our subsidiaries, affiliates, and service providers to fulfill product orders or deliver services, or otherwise to fulfill a contractual obligation to you; (b) to service providers who act on our behalf and under our Instructionsto pertonn certain functions(e.g., IT companies, background check, legal, financial andother advisors);(c) asrequired by applicable law,such as to co-operate withlaw enforcement agencies or upon receipt of a court order;or (d) to courtsandpublic authorities toprotect you, us, or third parties fromharm,including fraud or instances where somebody's physical safety is at risk. Disclosure of information shall be In accordance with this Policy and the applicable laws. Our service providers are obliged ro comply with this Policy and adhere to confidentiality requirements for processing yourpersonal information.
(b) In the event of a merger, acquisition, or other reorganization or sale of our business or a.ssets, we may share or transfer your data, where the recipient will be required to the data in accordance with this Policy.
6. Data Retention
(a) Depending on the nature of the data you provide to us, and the context In which such information is furnished to us, we may havedifferentjal timeline:s. We keep data for at least a.slong asrequired/permitted by applicable law.
(b) Wemay further retain your data tilltheperiod thatIs requiredfor thepurposesof usmeeting your request.s on our Site{ s, and in compliance with the applicable laws, statutory requirements.
7. Duties of Data Principals
(a) Every user of this Slte/s must comply with the provisions of all applicable laws tor the time beingin forcewhile exercising rightsunder this Privacy Polley. Theusers must ensurenot to:
- Impersonate another person;
- suppressanymaterial lnfonnatlon while corresponding with us;
- register a false or frfvolous grievance or complaint with the Company; and,
- furnish information which is not verifiably authentic, while exercising the right to correction or erasure under the applicable laws.
8. Data PrincipalRights
(a) You may access, correct, and/or erasure your Information by accessing your accounts or profileson our Site/s.
(b) You shall have the right to nominate an individual, who willhave the same rights as you, in the event of your death or incapacity to e.xerds-e your rights under this Privacy Policy.
(c) You shall have the right to seekgrievance redressal in respect of any act or omission on our part.However,if you arenot satisfied with theresponse of our GrievanceOfficer,anddesire to appeal their decision, you may reach out to the concerned representative of the Data Protection Board of India.
(d) To exerdserights appltcable to you, youmust write to us atCeetlkn.nnond@adifyqblrlqmm. and raise a request for the specified right. Kindly ensure you use appropriate subjects to mention the right (e.g., data correction or data erasure) while raising all suchrequests, this wouldhelp usprocessyourrequestsIn a faster andmore efficient manner.
(e) We will adhere to the timelinesprescribed within thelaw, to respond to you,address your concerns.
9. Cross-Border Transfers
(a) Your personal information may be transferred to and stored in locations outside India, and to such territories in whkh our affmates andsubsidiaries areincorporated in and work out of. We will do this only when the destination jurisdictions that have not been restricted by the government of India, and shall ensure that an adequate and appropriate level of protection contin.,es to beafforded to the treatment of yo"rpersonal data.
(b) Our lawful basis for such a transfer willbe eitherbased on consent or oneof the safeguards permissiblebylaws.
10, Information Security
(a) We take commercially reasonable technical, physical, andorganizational steps to safeguard anydatayouprovideto us,to protectit fromunauthorized access,loss,misuse, or alteration. Although we take reasonable security precautions, no computer system or transmission of infonmation can ever be completely secure or error-free; kindly note that accidents which are out of our reasonable control and/or Influenced/triggered by the outside environment are likely.
(b) In addttion, we urge you to use your passwords, ID numbers, or similar individual data associated with youruse of the Site/ s responsibly, carefully, and with diligence.
11. Children's Privacy
(a) Our services are not directed at minors. We do not knowingly permit any person who is under the age 18 (eighteen) years of age to register with the services or to provide their personal data.If webecome awarethatany personal dataof personslessthan18 (eighteen) years of age has beencollected on the website without verifiable parental consent, then we will take the appropriate stepsto deleteany such information and notify the parent.
(b) Should a parent or guardian have reasons to believe that a minor has provided us with personal fnformation without their verifiable consent, please write to us at Gutlka-anand@qrlitvahlrfo.rnm to request the deletion of your child's data from the Site/ s.
12. Changes to oor Privacy Policy
(a) We reserve the right to change this Policy from time to time andin our sole discretion.We will alert you, where feasible, to the changes and the date on which they were made effective. Any significant change will be communicated to you, on your registered e-mail address, asavailable with us,on thedateof Itseffectiveness.
(b) When you visit the Site/ s, you accept the version of this Policy in effect at that time. We recommend that you periodically revisit the Site/ s to take note of anyrevisions made.